- Daisy Boba
- Sirta Mandiri
- Pyro Coffee

Daisy Boba
Packaging & Branding
Canggu Bali
Daisy Boba is a humble stand full of teenager passion and dedication to future financial confidence. Daisy Boba sells snacks that are familiar to today’s youth. The main products are fresh drinks with boba grains who always attend to the productivity of teenagers and even adults. We take a careful approach when designing the logo to implement love for pets. A cute impression is adapted in the visual and makes it appear simple to represent the client’s personality.

Sirta Mandiri Supplier
Logo & Branding
Canggu Bali
Sirta Mandiri Supplier is a company engaged in selling several types of raw meat. Its main products are chicken and shrimp. We try to present a product visualization into an identity logo, and the goal is to make it attractive in the first 0.5 seconds when buyers see this logo. The logo shapes are adapted from the personal data of clients who want to perform in the philosophy of their company logo. In addition, the concept of natural balance is our consideration because reducing meat production is not only waste, but the client processes it into fertile fertilizer used for plants.

Pyro Coffee
Packaging & Branding
Pd. Labu Jakarta
Coffee is essential in life, a cup of drink that goes through several processes with tools that have specific functions until a cup of coffee is ready to be served. Seeing that process, we took a comprehensive approach to create an identity logo for the client. First, we explored the word Pyro into several letterforms to create a wordmark logotype and put a measuring spoon to strengthen the visualization of the barista vibe. We develop this logo with good communication until the final shape according to the client’s wishes.